Mastering Flowchart Creation: A Comprehensive Guide to Visual Process Mapping

Creating a flowchart is an effective way to represent a process or system visually. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create a flowchart for any process.

1. Define the Process:

Before starting, clearly define the process you want to diagram. Have a clear understanding of the starting point, the steps involved, and the end point.

2. Gather the Necessary Materials:

  • Flowchart software (like Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart,, or even PowerPoint)
  • Process information and documents
  • A list of the involved steps, decisions, and outputs

3. Familiarize Yourself with Flowchart Symbols:

Here are some basic symbols:

  • Oval: Represents the start or end of a process
  • Rectangle: Represents a process or action step
  • Diamond: Represents a decision point
  • Parallelogram: Represents input or output
  • Arrows: Show the flow direction

  • Oval (Start Symbol)
    Label: “Start Enrollment for Higher Years”
    Explanation: This oval marks the beginning of the enrollment process for the Higher Years. It’s the entry point where students initiate their enrollment journey.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Get the Enrollment Form from the Program Coordinator”
    Explanation: Students need to approach the Program Coordinator to obtain the enrollment form. This is the first tangible step in the enrollment process.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Fill the form with desired courses”
    Explanation: After obtaining the form, students need to fill it out. They’ll list down the courses they wish to enroll in for the upcoming term or semester.
  • Diamond (Decision Point)
    Label: “Need assistance filling the form?”
    Explanation: Here, students decide if they can fill out the form independently or if they require guidance. This step ensures that students have clarity about their course choices and the enrollment process.
    Arrows Out: “Yes” (leads to next rectangle) and “No” (bypasses the next rectangle to the one after)
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step) – This step comes after the ‘Yes’ arrow from the diamond
    Label: “Seek advisement from the Program Coordinator”
    Explanation: If students are unsure about any details while filling the form or are confused about course selection, they can approach the Program Coordinator for guidance.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Have the Program Coordinator evaluate and sign the form”
    Explanation: Once the form is filled out, the Program Coordinator reviews it for accuracy and appropriateness, ensuring that students have chosen the right courses that align with their academic path.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Have the Registrar review and sign the form”
    Explanation: After the Program Coordinator’s review, the Registrar examines the form for administrative purposes and provides another layer of verification.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Proceed to the cashier’s office and pay”
    Explanation: With the form signed by both the Program Coordinator and Registrar, students then go to the cashier’s office to make the necessary payments for their chosen courses.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Return to the Registrar and submit the Registrar’s Copy”
    Explanation: After payment, students return to the Registrar’s office to submit the officially stamped copy of the enrollment form, marking their courses for the term.
  • Rectangle (Process or Action Step)
    Label: “Keep the Student Copy”
    Explanation: After submission, students retain a copy of the form for their personal records. This serves as a reference for their enrolled courses and as proof of enrollment.
  • Oval (End Symbol)
    Label: “Officially Enrolled”
    Explanation: This marks the culmination of the enrollment process. Once all previous steps are successfully completed, students are officially enrolled for their courses in the Higher Years.
  • The Arrows (Flow Direction) provide guidance from one step to the next. They ensure a logical and sequential flow, so students don’t miss out on any crucial steps in the enrollment process. This flowchart, with the accompanying explanations, makes the enrollment procedure transparent and easy to understand.

4. Start Drawing the Flowchart:

  1. Begin with the Start Symbol:
    • Place an oval at the top of your page and label it “Start” or the name of the process.
  2. Add Process Steps:
    • Using rectangles, add each step of the process. Label each rectangle with the action or step involved.
    • Connect each rectangle with arrows to show the direction of the process.
  3. Include Decision Points:
    • Use diamonds to represent decisions. Label the decision inside the diamond.
    • Draw arrows from the decision point to the next steps. Typically, a diamond will have more than one arrow coming out of it, showing different outcomes (e.g., “Yes” or “No”).
  4. Add Inputs and Outputs:
    • Use parallelograms to represent inputs to and outputs from the process. Attach them where necessary and label them.
  5. End the Process:
    • Use another oval to represent the end of the process.

5. Test the Flowchart:

Once your flowchart is complete, walk through it to ensure that:

  • All steps are included.
  • The flow is logical.
  • Decision points are clear and lead to the correct subsequent steps.

6. Make Adjustments:

If you find any inconsistencies or missing steps, go back and adjust your flowchart accordingly.

7. Review with Stakeholders:

It’s essential to review your flowchart with people familiar with the process to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness. They might point out steps you missed or suggest a clearer representation.

8. Finalize and Distribute:

Once you’re satisfied with the flowchart:

  • Save it in the desired format (JPEG, PNG, PDF, etc.).
  • Share it with the relevant personnel or teams.
  • Consider printing or displaying it in a location where those involved in the process can refer to it.


  1. Keep it Simple: Don’t overcomplicate the flowchart with too much detail. If necessary, break complex processes into smaller flowcharts.
  2. Use Colors: Color-coding can help differentiate between different types of actions or responsibilities.
  3. Update Regularly: Processes can change over time. Regularly review and update your flowcharts to keep them current.
  4. Use Online Templates: Many flowchart tools offer templates that can save you time.

Flowcharts are a fantastic tool to visualize processes, making them easier to understand, communicate, and improve. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create a clear and effective flowchart for any process.


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