Writing a Strong Research Introduction | Methods of Research Lesson 5

Writing a good introduction is crucial for setting the stage for your research paper or thesis. A well-crafted introduction captures the reader’s attention, provides context for the study, and establishes the relevance of the research topic. Here are some key steps and tips to help you write an effective introduction:

  1. Begin with a hook: a. Start your introduction with a captivating statement, anecdote, or question to grab the reader’s attention. b. Choose a hook that is relevant to your research topic and sets the tone for your study.
  2. Provide context and background information: a. Briefly explain the broader context of your research topic, touching on its historical, social, or scientific significance. b. Provide enough background information to help readers understand the importance of the study, but be concise and avoid overwhelming them with excessive detail.
  3. Identify the research gap: a. Explain the current state of knowledge in your research area and highlight the gap your study aims to fill. b. Emphasize why addressing this research gap is important and how your study contributes to the existing literature.
  4. Clearly state the research problem: a. Present the research problem or question in a clear and concise manner, highlighting its significance. b. Ensure that the problem is well-defined and relevant to your research area.
  5. Outline the research objectives or purpose: a. Describe the primary objectives or purpose of your study, explaining what you aim to achieve or discover through your research. b. Ensure that your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  6. Provide a brief overview of the research design and methodology: a. Give a high-level overview of the research design and methods you will employ to address the research problem and achieve your objectives. b. Avoid going into too much detail, as this information will be covered more thoroughly in later chapters.
  7. Preview the structure of the paper or thesis: a. Briefly describe the organization of your research paper or thesis, outlining the main sections or chapters. b. This preview helps readers understand the flow of your work and what to expect in the subsequent sections.
  8. Write clearly and concisely: a. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon or overly complex terminology. b. Ensure that your writing is accessible to readers, even those who may not be experts in your research area.

By following these steps and tips, you can craft an engaging and effective introduction that provides context for your research, highlights the significance of your study, and sets the stage for a successful research paper or thesis.


In recent years, remote work has gained momentum as an alternative to traditional office-based work arrangements, driven by advances in technology and the desire for greater flexibility. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend, as organizations worldwide shifted to remote work to ensure the safety of their employees while maintaining business continuity. This sudden transition to remote work has raised important questions about its impact on employee productivity and well-being. While prior research has explored the benefits and challenges of remote work, few studies have examined the effects of rapid, large-scale shifts to remote work in response to a global crisis.

This study aims to investigate the impact of remote work on employee productivity and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the research will examine the factors that contribute to or hinder employee productivity and well-being in a remote work environment, as well as the role of organizational support in mitigating potential adverse effects. By addressing the gap in the current literature on remote work during a global crisis, this study will provide valuable insights for organizations, policymakers, and researchers seeking to understand and optimize remote work arrangements in the future.

To achieve these objectives, the research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data from online surveys with qualitative data from semi-structured interviews. This design will enable a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted impacts of remote work on employee productivity and well-being during the pandemic. The findings of this study will have practical implications for organizations and employees navigating remote work arrangements, as well as theoretical contributions to the literature on remote work, productivity, and well-being.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Chapter 2 reviews the relevant literature on remote work, employee productivity, and well-being, highlighting the research gap this study aims to address. Chapter 3 presents the research design and methodology, detailing the data collection and analysis procedures. Chapter 4 discusses the findings of the study, and Chapter 5 provides a conclusion, discussing the implications of the research and suggesting avenues for future studies.
This example demonstrates how to create an engaging introduction by starting with a hook, providing context and background information, identifying the research gap, stating the research problem, outlining the objectives, briefly describing the research design and methodology, and previewing the structure of the paper.

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