The World of Informatics | Data Visualization | Health Informatics Lesson 2

The world of informatics is a rapidly evolving field that involves the study of information processing, computer science, and computational theory. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including algorithms, programming languages, artificial intelligence, database systems, human-computer interaction, software engineering, and more.

In the modern era, informatics has become an integral part of our lives, playing a critical role in almost every industry and sector. It has transformed the way we communicate, conduct business, access information, and even think about the world around us.

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the demand for professionals with expertise in informatics continues to grow. Careers in this field can range from software developers and data analysts to information security specialists and user experience designers.

Overall, the world of informatics is a dynamic and exciting field that is constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology.

Data Visualization

Data visualization in healthcare is the use of visual representations, such as graphs, charts, or maps, to present healthcare data in a meaningful and easily understandable way. It involves taking complex healthcare data and transforming it into visual insights that can help healthcare professionals and patients make informed decisions.

Data visualization in healthcare is important because it enables healthcare professionals to quickly identify trends, patterns, and anomalies in large datasets. For example, a data visualization of hospital readmission rates can help hospital administrators identify areas where they need to improve patient care and reduce readmissions. Similarly, a data visualization of disease prevalence rates can help public health officials identify areas where they need to target interventions to prevent the spread of diseases.

There are several benefits of data visualization in healthcare, including:

  1. Improved decision-making: Data visualization can help healthcare professionals make informed decisions based on the data, enabling them to provide better patient care and improve healthcare outcomes.
  2. Enhanced communication: Data visualization makes it easier for healthcare professionals to communicate complex healthcare data to patients, policymakers, and other stakeholders.
  3. Increased efficiency: Data visualization allows healthcare professionals to quickly identify trends and patterns, reducing the time it takes to analyze data manually.
  4. Improved patient outcomes: Data visualization can help healthcare professionals identify areas for improvement in patient care, leading to better patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Overall, data visualization is an important tool in healthcare informatics, enabling healthcare professionals to use healthcare data effectively to make informed decisions and improve patient care outcomes.


  1. Begin by understanding the concept of data visualization and why it is important in healthcare. Research the benefits of data visualization in healthcare and how it can help in making informed decisions.
  2. You will be provided with a healthcare dataset, such as World Health Organization data on health metrics. Study the data and understand the different metrics and their significance in healthcare.
  3. Choose a free online data visualization tool such as Google Data Studio or Tableau Public. Familiarize yourself with the tool and its features.
  4. Use the tool to create a visualization of the healthcare data provided to you. Experiment with different types of data visualizations, such as bar charts, line charts, or maps, to present the healthcare data in a meaningful and engaging way.
  5. Customize the visualization with appropriate colors, labels, and annotations to make it visually appealing and easy to understand.
  6. Write a brief report summarizing your findings and discussing the importance of data visualization in healthcare. Include your data visualization as a visual aid in your report.
  7. Submit your report and data visualization to your instructor for evaluation.

Activity Main

Activity: Creating a COVID-19 Progression Dataset in Looker Studio

Objective: To create a COVID-19 progression dataset using Looker Studio and gain insights into the spread of COVID-19.

Tools Required: Looker Studio, COVID-19 dataset (e.g., WHO data)


  1. Obtain a COVID-19 dataset, such as WHO data on COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveries globally.
  2. Sign up for a free trial account of Looker Studio and connect your COVID-19 dataset to the Looker platform.
  3. Use LookML, Looker’s modeling language, to transform and prepare the COVID-19 data for analysis.
  4. Create a new dataset in Looker Studio that includes the number of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveries over time. Use LookML to define the dataset schema and build the necessary views and models.
  5. Customize the dataset to include relevant details, such as country-specific data or time series data. Use appropriate labels, descriptions, and annotations to make the dataset easy to understand.
  6. Add filters and dimensions to the dataset to allow users to explore the data and gain insights. For example, users could filter the dataset by country or by date range to see the progression of COVID-19 over time.
  7. Share the dataset with others through Looker Studio, allowing others to explore the data and gain insights.
  8. Optional: Write a brief report summarizing your findings and discussing the importance of understanding the progression of COVID-19 in fighting the pandemic.

This activity will allow you to develop skills in data modeling, COVID-19 informatics, and communication, while also gaining insight into the challenges and opportunities of working with healthcare data. Good luck!

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